NCBFAA Government Affairs Conference
This week, our industry’s national trade association, the NCBFAA, held their annual Government Affairs Conference. This is when Customs brokers and freight forwarders from around the United States travel to Washington to hear from both the lawmakers and the government agencies what the current climate is for legislation that impacts our industry.
On Tuesday, we all go to Capitol Hill and visit the offices of our respective lawmakers to deepen our relationships and share “position papers” with them and their staffers to let them know how the constituents who live and work in their districts feel about issues on funding, regulation and other things.
It’s always an honor to get to meet with Members of Congress, and here is a picture from one of those meetings:

Attending National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America Government Affairs Conference on behalf of the Florida Customs Brokers and Forwarders Associations Government Affairs Committee, meeting with our Congressional Representatives and Senators to express the concerns of the membership regarding important trade related issues to raise awareness and to request support of key topics. Pictured left to right: Lenny Feldman of Sandler Travis and Rosenberg, Congressman Joe Garcia, Democrat, FL, District 26, William Brauner of Brauner International Corporation, and (seated) Barbara Pimentel Executive Vice President of the Florida Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association.